Phoenix Day Block Party Program

Sunday Streets SF and our partners are sponsoring over 50 block party permits on October 16th, 2022 so neighbors in every district of San Francisco can have fun in the streets on Phoenix Day.

The Phoenix Day Block Party program is specifically for residential block parties 1 block in length without bounce houses or other restricted activities like food sales. If you’re interested in hosting more activities on Phoenix Day, visit the Family Fun Hub Info page.

We hope you’ll take advantage of a Sunday Streets Phoenix Day program to bring play and exercise to your streets with the whole San Francisco community!

Important Deadlines

Block Party Applications Close – September 1, 2022, at 11:59 pm.

Deadline to Submit Documentation of Flyering – September 23rd, 2022 at 11:59pm. If documentation is not received by the deadline above, your space will be forfeited.

Info & Host Training Sessions

  • Family Fun Hub Info Session
    • TBA
Host Training Sessions

Family Fun Hub hosts are required to attend a full 2 hours training session. Block Party hosts are not required to attend a training but are highly encouraged to join the first hour of any of the training sessions below.

Location Requirements

In order to qualify for a Sunday Streets Phoenix Day Block Party permit, your street must meet the SFMTA’s eligibility requirements. All final decision on eligibility for a given block will be determined by ISCOTT, however streets that meet the following requirements are generally eligible:

  • A one-block, residential street
  • Free of transit service, parking meters, and emergency services (i.e. Fire or Police Station, Hospitals)
  • No more than one lane of traffic in either direction
  • Has no or very few ground floor businesses, multi-car parking garages, social services sites like senior centers or libraries open the weekend, or places of worship

Outreach Requirements

To ensure a smooth and welcoming day for all, every block party will be required to do and document the following outreach to receive and/or maintain their permit:

  • Get 60% of the households on the block to sign the letter of support (required to complete the Block Party Application Form). A printable or digital template is available above.
  • Flyer every house and car on the block by the deadline listed above and document your outreach (i.e. photos of flyers on cars and houses).
      • IMPORTANT Must submit documentation of flyering by the deadline published above or your space will be forfeited.
  • Place a-frames barricades with no parking signs out once received and/or no later than the Friday before Phoenix Day, but can go out as soon as they are delivered on the Wednesday before Phoenix Day.
  • Flyer every house and car on the block sometime between Wednesday-Friday before Phoenix Day.